Author: Brent Lambert

Writer, editor, and founder of FEELguide. I have written over 5,000 articles covering many topics including: travel, design, movies, music, politics, psychology, neuroscience, business, religion and spirituality, philosophy, pop culture, the universe, and so much more. I also work as an illustrator and set designer in the movie industry, and you can see all of my drawings at

The team at More Than Just Parks recently released a video love letter to California’s sacred redwood trees and you can watch the stunning results above. MTJP writes: “Redwood is the culmination of several weeks spent exploring Redwood National and State Parks. Redwood National and State Parks in Northern California are home to the tallest trees in the world, the mighty Redwood, which can reach staggering heights of over 360ft and weigh more than 500 tons. These parks feature magical forests, miles of spectacular beaches, stunning overlooks, and the largest herd of Roosevelt elk on the planet. This film was…

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Ellen Langer is a social psychologist who is otherwise known as the Mother of Mindfulness. Recently Langer sat down with the amazingness that is Krista Tippett, host of On Being, one of the greatest podcast series and online resources you will ever hope to discover. Tippett opens the conversation with: “[Langer] defines mindfulness with counterintuitive simplicity: the simple act of actively noticing things — with a result of increased health, competence, and happiness. Her take on mindfulness has never involved contemplation or meditation or yoga. It comes straight out of her provocative, unconventional studies, which have been suggesting for decades what…

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Tuscany has become a place of almost mythological proportions for many people around the world. Just the mere mention of the place can send a wave of warmth from head to toe, sparking fantasies of what it would be like to wake up in a Tuscan villa each morning for a day of sun-soaked bliss. Nowhere is this ideal captured more beautifully than in the work of photographer Mauro Maione. Check out some of his photos below and it might be just enough to finally convince you to take that Italian vacation of your dreams right here, right now. For more of Mauro’s photos…

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Back in 1993 someone at ABC managed to convince Hunter S. Thompson and Keith Richards to sit down with each other for an interview. However that was negotiated could very well be the storyline for a David O. Russell movie in and of itself. Regardless, this interview actually happened and the entire beautiful psychedelic mess was captured on video. Press play above and enjoy.

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There is only one disco ball factory in America — and it has one employee. You read that right — and her name is Yolanda Baker. The Louisville-based company, named Omega National Products, has been around since the glory days of disco, and in its heyday the company used to crank out 25 balls a day. Now Yolanda’s able to make approximately one a day, and that seems to fit the demand. You can watch Yolanda’s profile on NBC Nightly News above.

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Claude Monet’s (1840-1926) impressionist masterpiece paintings of lilies are part of the quintessential museum experience in today’s day and age, and mindlessness can be to blame if one forgets from time to time that these iconic works didn’t just appear out of thin air. It’s hard to imagine the world of art without them. So it makes it all the more fascinating to watch this incredible footage above from 1915 of Monet painting his lilies in his backyard. What’s more, in the two other clips below filmed the exact same year, we get to see both Auguste Rodin (1840-1917) and Pierre-Auguste…

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Near-death experiences (NDEs) are a global phenomenon, and as such they are far too often disregarded as a supernatural experience not to be taken seriously. The consistency and strong parallels of these experiences transcend language, culture, and geographical borders — so what if there is something more profound going on here? In an extraordinary feature written for , Maureen Venselaar reveals a fascinating 5-phase theory which explores a possible physics-based understanding of what might be happening during an NDE.

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