Author: Brent Lambert

Writer, editor, and founder of FEELguide. I have written over 5,000 articles covering many topics including: travel, design, movies, music, politics, psychology, neuroscience, business, religion and spirituality, philosophy, pop culture, the universe, and so much more. I also work as an illustrator and set designer in the movie industry, and you can see all of my drawings at

There are several benchmark moments in a child’s development, but the first and most important occurs around the age of 6 months. It’s at this time when a child typically develops self awareness — when they realize they are their own person. This is a simplified explanation in a way, because the development of self awareness comes in a series of thresholds between the ages of 4-months to 12-months. You can learn more about this and the different ways you can encourage and facilitate your baby’s self awareness development by CLICKING HERE.

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The vital bacterial colony in your gut (i.e. your microbiome) is otherwise known by scientists as your “second brain.” We are just beginning to discover the enormously complex symbiotic relationship between the gut and the brain, and with each passing year it’s becoming harder and harder to distinguish between the two. Further proof of this has come in the form of Parkinson’s research which is bringing into focus how the disease does not begin in the brain — it begins in the stomach and colon.

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It’s been famously said that masculinity is the expression of things in life worth dying for, while femininity is the expression of things in life worth living for. But when a neuropsychiatrist contemplates this idea, they zoom in and read between the lines because at the end of the day these dual expressions are all governed by the most mysterious and complex biological machine in the known Universe — the human brain. Thoughts lead to emotions which lead to actions which lead to behavior, but if you go back to the beginning of this chain, take a moment to ask yourself this question: are…

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The human brain is the most complex biological machine in the known Universe, and just like the Universe itself it is filled with mysteries. The newest one coming from a Northwestern Medicine study which was initially aimed at finding the source of superior memory performance in people over 90. When researchers analyzed these “super brains” they were shocked to discover that 38% of them had dense and widespread Alzheimer’s plaque and tangling pathology throughout, but were somehow 100% protected from the disease’s devastating impacts. The level of destroyed brain tissue was exactly on par with other 90+ individuals who suffered from the…

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It’s the week before Christmas so most of us find ourselves preparing a list of gifts to get our friends and family, but it’s important not to forget to treat yourself in the process. Material objects are the gold standard for the gift-giving season, but when it comes to what you’ll get yourself this year I challenge you to think outside the gold box. If health is the greatest gift of all then I have a gift suggestion for you that has the potential to change the course of your entire life. All it takes is one trip to the grocery…

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The human body continues to reveal the most incredible surprises. For example, just last week scientists announced the discovery of a brand new organ called the mesentery that has been hiding in our intestines all this time. And in June 2015 researchers announced the discovery of a network of lymphatic vessels in the central nervous system which had never been detected before. It’s findings like these which make science so exciting, and for these researchers it must feel as euphoric as explorers from centuries ago who discovered new islands and continents for the very first time.

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“Wet or fine, the air of Portugal has a natural happiness in it, and the people of the country should be as happy and prosperous as any people in the world.” These words of Portuguese praise date back nearly a century to 1924 and come from none other than H.G. Wells (1866-1946), the legendary science fiction writer who spent 1923 and 1924 writing several columns for various newspapers around the world, including The New York Times. The very best of these columns were compiled into the 1924 book, A Year of Prophesying, and included his now famous love letter to Portugal,…

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