If you regularly use a car or ride a motorbike, then you need to remain safe. The world’s population is only getting larger, which means that there are more people using the road, and therefore, the potential for accidents rises. Even in the world’s most developed nations, car accidents are becoming more common. While car manufacturers are installing safety measures such as automated driving and auto-pilot, accidents still happen.

This article will explore this subject in great detail, explaining how you can stay safe on the road and what you need to know about road safety:

Health Insurance

Health insurance won’t protect you from an accident, but it will ensure that you are compensated if you are involved in one. In Canada, there are many different insurance brokers. The most popular among road users is the CAA. CAA (Canadian Automobile Association) offers great coverage for road users. Those that hold CAA insurance policies are covered for many different types of road-related injury. If you regularly use your car and are concerned about how you will pay for your medical bills if you are injured, then it’s definitely worth taking out a policy with them. Make sure that you do your research beforehand, however, just so that you can confirm they are the right firm for you. Read reviews, research, and see what other policyholders have to say.

Frequent Servicing

Frequent servicing will ensure that if there are any issues with your vehicle, they are picked up early. Servicing is when you take your car to a mechanic to have it examined and its engine checked out. If they identify any problems with your car, then they will tell you and send you a bill. Once you have paid for it, they can then go ahead and fix your car for you. Servicing your car is required by law in some countries. Even if it is not in yours, you should still go ahead and service your car often, so that you and other road users are protected. By catching any faults with your vehicle early, the chances that you will be involved in an accident are significantly reduced.

Wear a Seatbelt

You should always wear a seatbelt when you are driving your car, for your safety. If you are involved in a car accident and you aren’t wearing a seatbelt, the chances of you sustaining serious injuries are very high. There’s even a chance that your accident could potentially prove fatal if you were to be traveling at a very high speed without a seatbelt on. Seatbelts are required by law. If you are found by the police to be operating your vehicle without a seatbelt on, then you could be fined and even arrested if you are a repeat offender.

Get Your Rest

If you are going to be going on a long drive, then make sure that you get your rest. Operating a vehicle when you haven’t slept can be very dangerous. It could potentially result in you being involved in a car accident. Drivers falling asleep at the wheel cause accidents on a regular basis. In addition to risking your life, you risk the lives of your passengers and other road users when you operate a vehicle half-asleep. There are rest stops on most main roads, motorways, and highways, where you can stop and take a nap if necessary. It is far better to be late than to not arrive at all because you were involved in a car accident.

Stay Alert

When you are driving, you need to be alert. As mentioned in the last point, drowsiness can result in car accidents. But alertness is much more than just being awake. To be alert is to know everything that is happening on the road around you. If when you are using your car you are not paying attention to everything that is going on around you then the chances of you being involved in an accident are significantly increased. Make sure that you check your mirrors, look around, and watch what other cars are doing when they are on the road. By staying alert you can also prevent other people from crashing into you.

Always Indicate

Whenever you are turning, make sure to indicate. You should indicate even if you can’t see anybody else on the road. It is not uncommon for cyclists who aren’t wearing high-viz jackets to plummet into the side of cars that are turning and haven’t indicated. Even if you didn’t see a cyclist coming, if they hit your car because you turned without indicating, then you can be held liable and prosecuted. You could even find yourself in court, facing a civil suit. Indicating is very important – it is the law. If you are caught by the police turning without indicating, you could get into a lot of trouble.

Using Phone

Never use your phone when you are driving a car. The reason for this is that by using your phone, you are less likely to be able to pay attention to what is going on around you. Additionally, it is a crime. If you are caught using your phone when you are driving your car, you could be arrested and fined. If you hit somebody or are involved in an accident when you are using your phone, you could be charged with dangerous or reckless driving and sentenced to a period of imprisonment.

Brake Properly

Whenever you are driving, make sure that your brake properly. Never suddenly break, especially if cars are tailgating you. You need to slowly ease your brakes on so that those behind you have time to slow down. Suddenly braking also damages your car and increases the chances of you losing control of your vehicle.

Drive Slowly

Don’t ever feel like you have to race around. If you feel more comfortable driving slowly, then do so. Do not allow other road users to pressure you into driving faster than you want to. Driving slowly reduces your chances of being involved in an accident.

As a road user, it is your responsibility to drive safely and protect your life and the lives of others. Reckless drivers are a scourge that needs to be eliminated from our roads because they are responsible for countless deaths each year. Driving safely isn’t difficult. In fact, it’s easier to drive safely than it is to drive dangerously!

Photo via Unsplash




I've been writing since 2008 about a wide range of topics. I also love making furniture in my spare time, and birdwatching with my wife near our home in southern England.

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