Booking a weekend away with your girlfriends can be a logistical nightmare. You need to find a free weekend between all of your hectic work schedules and family lives. You need to book accommodation, transport, activities and find something everyone wants to do. Your group organisation sessions can quickly into gossip and wine nights. You need to book your girls holiday in advance before all the good places get booked up. 

Here are a few tips to make the planning process a little easier. 

Make a WhatsApp group

First up, you need to make a WhatsApp group for everyone going away. You can send a group message about available dates, accommodation choices and activities. Everyone can respond in their own time and find all the essential information in one place. Simple.

Just make sure the WhatsApp group is only used for planning. You don’t need to search through hundreds of messages about the latest Adele album. You can create a different group for that. Keep the planning chat to the bare minimum so everyone can find the information easily.

Book the travel in advance 

You need to book your main transport, like a flight or train, to the destination in advance. You can save a lot of money by booking it a few months ahead of time. You also need to think about how you will get from the airport to your hotel. Arrange for a transfer service to collect you, or book a local taxi. You could even use the public transport system available to save money. Prepare in advance, so you don’t have to rush around in a panic when you arrive.

Give everyone a responsibility

Everyone needs something to look after for the trip. Each person can be in charge of either food, drinks, transport or activities. That person can book everything for their category after liaising with the rest of the group. For example, one person can research local recommendations for restaurants, offer a few options to the group and then book in for dinner. Another person can research the public transport system and what sort of tickets you need. 

Sort out your budget

Your accommodation and travel should be paid in advance. You can discuss the budget for these items when you are looking for places. Try to find a middle ground that everyone is comfortable with. You also need to think about the budget for the trip, such as activities and food. 

Get yourself organised now so you can enjoy your girls weekend away.

Photo by Tron Le on Unsplash




I've been writing since 2008 about a wide range of topics. I also love making furniture in my spare time, and birdwatching with my wife near our home in southern England.

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