Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for your health and well-being. Your bedroom is the most important place in your home as this is where you get your needed rest, so it’s important to make sure you’re as comfortable as you can be in your bedroom. There’s always room for improvement, so here’s a couple of things you can do to improve your bedroom.

1. Mirrors

Get the most out of your space. Home designers claim that even if you don’t have the biggest of homes, adding a mirror can give the impression of extra space, making your rooms seem way bigger than they really are. This can have a positive effect on your well-being and will have you feeling less cramped up. It also helps spread more light around your room. Light is uplifting and gives more space for positive emotions. Before going to bed, though, make sure that your bedroom is as dark as possible at night, especially if you live in a crowded area full of streetlights.

2. Get a Quality Mattress

Don’t be hesitant to invest in a good mattress. A good mattress can be very beneficial, helping you get a better night’s sleep and protect your spine. Science shows that using well-designed mattresses results in better sleep patterns. This means that it’s worth buying a quality product which caters to your needs. The manufacturers of the Eva mattress recommend finding the right balance between firmness and softness, as this can be very important when it comes to correct sleeping postures, so be sure to select a mattress that fulfills your nocturnal needs without making too many compromises. Getting the best sleep is key for a healthy life.

3. Keep Your Bedroom Cool

It might sound surprising, but a cool bedroom equals better sleep quality. Research has shown that a temperature of 18.3°C is the ideal temperature for a bedroom. The reason for this has to do with how the body goes to sleep; your body cools down while sleeping by letting heat escape from your skin. The temperature of your room plays a key role in sleep patterns because if your room is hot, it is harder for your body to cool down to achieve a sleep state. It’s a lot easier if your room is cool, to begin with. A suitable room temperature helps your body’s metabolism slow down faster – if that makes sense.

4. Change Your Positions

If you can’t get to sleep for some unknown reason, why not change the position of your bed? Try experimenting to figure out which position is best for you. Maybe there’s too much light shining in your face in the morning, or your bed is too close to your neighbors. Either way, start changing things around. Move your bed to another corner of your room, or maybe even another room altogether. Ideally, the best place to position your bed is at the center of the longest wall in the room. The bedroom, as its name suggests, is all about the bed. By putting it in this position, you will also add aesthetic charm to your bedroom. Placing your bed at the center of a wall is very practical as well because it gives you space for bedside tables too. Also, if you usually sleep on your stomach, you might want to switch to another sleep position like sleeping on your back. Be aware that every sleeping position has its own pros and cons   

5. Get Rid of Electronics

Surely you want to catch up on the latest news, but too much smartphone use, especially before sleeping, can spell bad news for your sleep. The same goes for TV or computer use before bedtime. Even if you have a deadline approaching for work, you should always prioritize getting a good night’s sleep. Ideally, you want to banish all unnecessary electronics, especially visual media, from your bedroom. This also includes computer screens. The glow of computer screens and the light produced by LED screens has been proven to reduce the production of melatonin in our bodies, which is the hormone responsible for regulating sleep patterns. Screens are made to stimulate us and keep users engaged, but there’s no reason for you to get yourself stressed out before sleeping. Overactive nerves aren’t good, and by removing distracting items from your bedroom you will increase your odds of getting the daily seven hours of rest a healthy adult needs. Let yourself go, relax your mind, and don’t concern yourself with needless things. The world can wait until tomorrow when you wake with a clear mind and a rested body.

6. Mattress Comfort

Don’t be hesitant to invest in a good mattress. Think of it as your main tool for achieving sleep. What could be more important than getting enough downtime? On average people keep their mattresses for around ten years. This is not the right way to go, you should replace your mattress whenever your bed no longer feels as comfortable as it used to. Independent of how reliable the brand of your mattress is, you should definitely try to replace your mattresses every 5-7 years. It is best to think of it as an investment in your health and comfort. While a mattress can last more than 10 years, be mindful that deep impressions can cause painful pressure points, which can put extra pressure on your spine, resulting in back pain. Replacing old mattresses without throwing out the whole bed has proven health benefits, resulting in better sleep and far less back pain. Be sure to check your bed regularly for any signs of wear and tear that might be on your mattress. If you find that it has been worn out, replace it with a new one from a brand you can trust. It will be well worth it if you want to enjoy quality sleep.

By following these helpful tips, you too can achieve good quality sleep. A bedroom is a place of rest. With a few small changes, you will be able to get the proper amount of sleep you need to perform and excel in your daily pursuits. Sleep is very important and above all else, mattresses matter.

Photo by Fred Kleber on Unsplash




Writer, editor, and founder of FEELguide. I have written over 5,000 articles covering many topics including: travel, design, movies, music, politics, psychology, neuroscience, business, religion and spirituality, philosophy, pop culture, the universe, and so much more. I also work as an illustrator and set designer in the movie industry, and you can see all of my drawings at

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