The bedroom is probably the most important room in your home, it’s where you rest, spend time with your significant other, read a book before bed, get dressed in the morning and so much more. However, many of us don’t take too much care into making this room warm, personal, harmonious and friendly. In fact, according to a study, we spent 26 years on average in our beds! So how do you transform your bedroom into a safe haven? We’ve put together some tips to help you out.

Invest in good bedsheets

Bedsheets are incredibly important to provide you with a good night’s sleep. They make you feel warm and contribute to a comfortable night. Unfortunately, sheets are often overlooked, we tend to buy the cheapest we can find and forget to take good care of it. According to a study by Hammonds, almost one in three British (30%) have admitted to washing their bedsheets just once a year; a bad habit that can lead to skin irritation and even bed bugs. Bedsheets should be washed every one to two weeks. In terms of quality, people often talk about thread count, usually the higher thread count, the softer the touch, good quality bed covers can range from 200 to 800 thread count. 

Get decent furniture

Furniture is an essential part of making your bedroom special but also practical. You don’t want to put too much in it, but you also don’t want it to look bare. Fitted wardrobes are a great choice when looking into stylish storage requirements, tailored specifically for your room, you can customise them as much as you want. It also depends on the style you’re into, you can go for Japanese minimalism or Middle Eastern maximalism, it all depends on what makes you feel at ease and happy. 

Some art 

If you’re trying to create a safe haven, it’s definitely important to add some art to your walls. Don’t pick some random artwork, try to choose something that represents you and makes you feel happy. Because art is totally subjective, it’s completely up to you what you want to put in your room. It could be a beautiful landscape, a movie poster or even a family picture.  

Color on the walls

Choosing paint shades for a bedroom is really important as it can affect your sleep but also your mood. Some colours to avoid are yellow, bright red, lime green, all of these colours are too lively and could disturb your sleep. We would recommend using grey, white, blue or forest green which are much more relaxing. 

Photo by Christopher Jolly on Unsplash




I've been writing since 2008 about a wide range of topics. I also love making furniture in my spare time, and birdwatching with my wife near our home in southern England.

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