Many people dream of traveling. Their bucket list might include a wish to see all 50 states or to go further, exploring other countries. However, it can be from hard to find the time and money for this and easy to put it off. Yet travel can be life-changing, one of the most rewarding things you can do whether you take a week or two each year to explore someplace new, or you take off for a few months, or even years. The reasons below are commonly cited by people as impediments to seeing the world, but they don’t have to be.


Money is one of the main reasons that people do not travel, and while it’s not a good idea to set off for a trip around the world if you have crippling debt, this also does not need to be a long-term impediment. There are a number of strategies you can use to save money and pay down debt. Credit card debt can be particularly challenging to pay off because of the high interest rates. You might be able to take out a personal loan and use that money to pay off credit card debt instead. You can generally get matched quickly with loan options. You can take short trips in the meantime as you focus on paying off your debts.


Many people are afraid to go to another country because they do not speak the language. You shouldn’t let this stop you. People have been going to places where they can’t speak the language for millennia, and these days, it’s easier than ever before. While English is spoken in most touristy places, you should try to go beyond those destinations. There are apps that can help you communicate with others, but even if you break your phone and lose your phrasebook, you might be surprised at how much you can communicate with just gestures and goodwill. In fact, this can be one of the most rewarding aspects of travel. You should not let yourself be deterred by a language barrier.

Lack of Companionship

It’s a common complaint that no one that you know wants to take the trips you do. If you automatically assume that this means that you can’t travel, you should put that thought aside. There are many places that it is safe and enjoyable to travel to on your own. You may be surprised at how many solo travelers you will meet. If you are still concerned about being on your own, you can sign up for a tour, but after just one trip, you might feel confident enough to strike out on your own. If you do decide on a tour, be sure to do plenty of research. Group travel experiences are increasingly tailored for specific wants and needs, so if you are hoping to travel with a specific age group, focus on cooking or history, or spend all your time on a bike or a boat, you can probably find a tour that does that.

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash




I've been writing since 2008 about a wide range of topics. I also love making furniture in my spare time, and birdwatching with my wife near our home in southern England.

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