No matter how long you’ve run a company for, there are always changes that you can make which can help keep your business running on plan. We’re all aware of the seriousness of climate change, so implementing green business practices in the workplace can not only be great for the environment but help create a healthier and more productive place to work. If you’re serious about being more energy efficient, here are 10 of the best green business practices that you may wish to take on board.

Recycle Paper

Regardless of how much you try to run a completely paperless office, it’s likely that you will still need to use paper from time to time, therefore, instead of throwing away paper in the bin, make sure to place a couple of recycling bins around the workplace which you and your employees can use. Before you know it, you will all get into the habit of recycling paper which can help when it comes to running an eco-friendly business.

Turn Off the Lights

In the workplace, it can be all too easy to forget to switch off a light that’s not in use. Whether it’s after going to the bathroom, or using the kitchen, make sure that you get into the habit of turning them off before leaving the room. You should also consider using energy-efficient lightbulbs. Not only do they use less energy, you won’t have to change them as frequently.

Ban Bottled Water

We all know how important it is to drink water and stay hydrated (especially at work), so instead of allowing employees to bring in bottled water, why not encourage your team to use reusable water cups or bottles instead? With so much plastic being sent to landfill every year, the last thing you want to do is add to the problem. 

Reduce Your Bills

Whether it’s water, gas, energy, or electricity, no one wants to get a nasty surprise when the bill comes in at the end of the month. If you’ve noticed an increase in your running costs, it’s advised to seek out the best suppliers to ensure you get the best deals possible. Visiting a site like Utility Bidder can help you find the best business electricity rates, helping to save you time and money. You can also compare a range of green commercial electricity suppliers.

Perform an Energy Audit

If you aren’t aware of how much energy you’re using in the workplace, it may be time to perform an energy audit. Bringing in a professional to monitor and track your energy consumption can be a huge help, meaning you can identify areas of improvement to keep costs down in your business. 

Go Digital

Another great way to make your business eco-friendly is by going digital for documents. Not only can important information be accessed much easier on the network, you will save on physical storage space, meaning that your employees don’t have to spend endless hours filing and retrieving documents. 

Buy Recycled

If you’re on a tight budget, or you want to do your bit for the environment, instead of buying everything brand new for your office, why not buy recycled instead? Whether it’s refurbished computers, cartridges, copiers, or furniture, many refurbished equipment tends to be virtually identical to new items. What’s more, you can see a potential saving of 20-30% on refurbished items.

Switch Off Equipment

If you’re the last one to leave the office at the end of the working day, make sure that you go around the workplace to ensure all electrical equipment is switched off. Even if a computer or laptop is in standby mode, it will still be consuming energy, so make sure that you or whoever is last to leave does a quick check so you can be confident that everything is turned off. 

Use Teleconferencing

Running a successful business will mean that you have tons of meetings to get to. Instead of going out in person and using your car to get from A to B, why not use teleconferencing instead? Virtually communicating with customers, clients, and suppliers will mean you don’t have to use your vehicle. 

Get Your Employees on Board

There’s only so much one person can do when it comes to being more energy efficient, so it’s important that your employees follow your lead and help create a greener and more productive workplace environment.

Creating a greener business can bring all sorts of benefits. Not only can doing so reduce your carbon footprint, but you will create a happier and healthier workplace which can boost productivity in your employees. 

Photo by Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash


I've been writing since 2008 about a wide range of topics. I also love making furniture in my spare time, and birdwatching with my wife near our home in southern England.

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