One of my all-time favorite pastimes is taking a long summer drive on a hot and humid evening during magic hour (i.e. right before sunset when the gold-colored hazy sunlight is nearly horizontal) which leads into the moonlit hours.  There have been many cases where I’m quite certain I’ve slipped into a trance for upwards of 30+ minutes, and it’s almost as if something else entirely is guiding my car through the night.  Of course, reaching this level of zen-like bliss is helped by a stellar music selection, and this morning I came across a prime musical candidate for my very first late night drive this coming summer 2012.  It comes from William Cody Watson (a.k.a. PINK PRIEST) and it’s aptly entitled Night Music For Driving 2.  He released this second of his two Night Music For Driving compilations just yesterday, and his very first one about five months ago.  They’re each pretty much perfect in my opinion, and you can take them each for a testdrive below.  To learn more about the music of William Cody Watson be sure to follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

“Night Music For Driving 2” by William Cody Watson“Night Music For Driving” by William Cody WatsonSource: NO FEAR OF POP on Facebook

Writer, editor, and founder of FEELguide. I have written over 5,000 articles covering many topics including: travel, design, movies, music, politics, psychology, neuroscience, business, religion and spirituality, philosophy, pop culture, the universe, and so much more. I also work as an illustrator and set designer in the movie industry, and you can see all of my drawings at

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