One of the hottest tickets in New York right now is the megahit comedy SILENCE! The Musical.  TIME Magazine recently ranked SILENCE! at an impressive #6 on their list of the Top Ten Plays & Musicals of 2011.  Richard Zoglin of TIME writes: “This off-Broadway spoof of the grisly 1991 film ‘The Silence of the Lambs’ is best appreciated by buffs — you have to have the movie nearly committed to memory to get all the parody.  But even for a layman, it’s a clever send-up of shock-movie clichés, and even of theater itself, as it tries to reproduce the film’s most outré action sequences with tacky effects on a pint-sized stage.  Jenn Harris, as agent Clarice Starling, can impersonate even Jodie Foster’s jogging style, and Brent Barrett, as Hannibal Lector, has a voice worth feasting on.  Light on calories, but a lot of fun.”  A glowing review from The New York Times has further added to the huge buzz: “A hilarious takedown!  Makes those naughty ditties in ‘The Book of Mormon’ seem like trunk songs dropped from ‘The Sound of Music’.”  And The New York Post can’t say enough about the show either: “This ‘Lambs’ parody is as irreverent, filthy, and funny as ‘The Book of Mormon’!  The difference is you can afford the tickets …A tasty treat! …vivaciously vulgar …wickedly satirical …gleefully subversive …A hell of a lot funnier than it has a right to be.”  This is right up my alley, and with all the incredible shows going on in New York right now it’s definitely the perfect time to head down to the Big Apple for an extra long weekend.  If you’re ready to have your sides hurting from laughter, and feel a desperate urge to put the lotion in the basket, simply head over to SILENCE! The Musicals website for all the information.  And seeing as how The 9th Space Theatre is in the middle of the East Village, you can always head over to Hannibal’s Bistro beforehand for some delicious liver and fava beans followed by a nice chianti.  To pick up your copy of the SILENCE! soundtrack simply head over to iTunes.

SEE ALSO: Jonathan Demme To Write, Direct, & Prod. Stephen King’s Sci-Fi Novel “11/22/63″
SEE ALSO: “The Silence Of The Lambs” Bloopers

Sources: The New York Post, Time Out New YorkTIME Magazine, The New York Times

Writer, editor, and founder of FEELguide. I have written over 5,000 articles covering many topics including: travel, design, movies, music, politics, psychology, neuroscience, business, religion and spirituality, philosophy, pop culture, the universe, and so much more. I also work as an illustrator and set designer in the movie industry, and you can see all of my drawings at

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