Andy Dezler is an artist who is seriously turning my crank right now.  Back around 2001/2002 I was really into a series I was working on myself based on photos I took of scrambled cable channels which would distort the signal into beautifully contorted images.  Andy has taken distorted JPEGs and made a series of his own which are revelatory in the way they take a “damaged” image and celbrate it.

Check out more of Andy’s paintings at his website.

Source: Kotke


Writer, editor, and founder of FEELguide. I have written over 5,000 articles covering many topics including: travel, design, movies, music, politics, psychology, neuroscience, business, religion and spirituality, philosophy, pop culture, the universe, and so much more. I also work as an illustrator and set designer in the movie industry, and you can see all of my drawings at

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