Author: Stephen Macintyre

I've been writing since 2008 about a wide range of topics. I also love making furniture in my spare time, and birdwatching with my wife near our home in southern England.

The bedroom is probably the most important room in your home, it’s where you rest, spend time with your significant other, read a book before bed, get dressed in the morning and so much more. However, many of us don’t take too much care into making this room warm, personal, harmonious and friendly. In fact, according to a study, we spent 26 years on average in our beds! So how do you transform your bedroom into a safe haven? We’ve put together some tips to help you out.

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Many people dream of traveling. Their bucket list might include a wish to see all 50 states or to go further, exploring other countries. However, it can be from hard to find the time and money for this and easy to put it off. Yet travel can be life-changing, one of the most rewarding things you can do whether you take a week or two each year to explore someplace new, or you take off for a few months, or even years. The reasons below are commonly cited by people as impediments to seeing the world, but they don’t have…

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Planning for a big trip requires a lot of planning to ensure that things go smoothly with minimal hiccups. This includes plane tickets, hotel accommodations, itineraries, tour vouchers, so on. But for things that we don’t entirely anticipate, travel insurance comes in to save the day. If you already packed a lot of things for the trip and you’re still asking if it’s worth it to buy insurance, well, here’s a list of when travel insurance is a must:

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The expression ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’ has never been so true as during the current nightmarish situation we find ourselves in during the COVID-19 pandemic. The spectre of a killer virus, which has thus far led to the death of over 1.3 million people, has of course led to severe hardship for a great proportion of the population as well as restrictions placed across the entirety of the world’s population.

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The COVID-19 pandemic raised our awareness of the dangers of spreading this disease from one person to another through close physical distance and contact. The pandemic has kept us on our toes whenever we go into public places or areas where large groups of people gather. Public transportation is an essential service needed in any community.

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