Gaining muscle mass is a common goal for many people in the gym. It takes time and correct exercise to build muscle, but almost anyone can accomplish it. It is important to understand how your body works and what you need to do to put on lean muscle mass. Basically, gaining muscle mass is a physiological process, called hypertrophy, that stresses the tissue, breaks it down, and causes the body to rebuild bigger and stronger tissue. 

To get started, you’ll need a training plan that includes a gradual increase in weight load, as well as a correct diet and enough sleep. If gaining more muscle mass is your goal, then this article was made for you. Read it to find out some tips and tricks and learn important things about building muscle mass. 

1) Take Supplements

Although supplements aren’t enough to help you gain muscle mass, they are surely a good addition to your diet. The right supplements can help you gain more weight, boost your energy, and improve your workout. They will also speed up the muscle-building process so you don’t waste time in the gym. There are many different supplements on the market, but those used to build muscle mass are proteins and branched-chain amino acids. 

It is also important to mention that dosages of supplements will depend on your goals, age, weight, and health condition. For example, 10 ampules of Primobol a month is considered an average dosage for men under 50 years old who wish to build muscle mass. You can always consult with specialists to learn more about the pills you’re taking.

2) Eat More Proteins

Gaining muscle mass is impossible without eating proteins. Your body needs proteins to build muscle mass, so you should include them in your diet every day. Foods that are rich in proteins include poultry, red meat, fish, milk, lentils, and beans. Apart from proteins, you will also need a healthy fat source to promote muscle mass gains such as olive oil or canola oil. Once again, the amount of proteins that you need on a daily basis will depend on your goals and other factors. However, for most people gaining more muscle mass means taking 140 grams of protein daily. If you don’t want to get all of your proteins from meats, try protein supplements like Whey protein shakes.

3) Eat More Often

Your muscles need more than nutrients, they also need calories in order to grow bigger and stronger. If you don’t eat enough calories, your body will have no energy to perform heavy workouts. You should eat 5-6 meals daily, each meal containing proteins and carbohydrates. Calories are not the same as proteins, so you don’t need to take them in huge quantities. But you do need to eat enough healthy carbohydrates to gain lean muscle mass. White breads are considered bad carbs as they contain gluten and will make you feel bloated, so opt for complex carbohydrates instead. This can include fruits and vegetables.

4) Don’t Skip Breakfast

Skipping meals is a big mistake when you want to gain muscle mass. Starving yourself will cause your body to start using the proteins stored in the muscles for energy, thus slowing down or even stopping the muscle-building process. It has been proven that eating breakfast boosts metabolism and gives you energy for the rest of the day. But your body will also use this extra energy to break down proteins, store glucose as fat, and store water in muscles. To avoid bloating and feeling tired during the day, make sure that you eat a healthy breakfast every day.

5) Lift Heavy Weights

Lifting heavy weights is one of the main things to do if you want to build muscle mass. Using heavy weights means that it takes more effort from your body, meaning that you are better off after your workout. Lifting lighter weights will only make the process slower, as you are less likely to break proteins down. Besides, using heavier weights results in serious growth hormone release, which is a must if you really want to gain muscle mass. However, the weight you should lift will depend on your current abilities and goals, but if you’re looking to gain muscle mass, the general guideline is 8 to 12 repetitions with a weight that’s 80% of your maximum.

6) Decide On Your Number Of Repetitions

Repetition and set schemes depend on your goals and workout plan. Generally speaking,  you should not be lifting the same weight for too long, but rather change it once you start feeling tired. Good repetition schemes include 4 to 6 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions or 3 to 5 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions. This will also depend on your weight training experience and abilities. Your repetitions will also depend on the number of reps per set. You can always consult with fitness specialists to learn more about the number of repetitions that you should be doing in your workout.

7) Sleep Well

Gaining muscle mass requires a lot of energy, so make sure that you don’t lack sleep. It has been proven that people who get enough sleep have better workouts and experience increased energy levels while shortening workout recovery time. Make sure that you get more than 6 hours of sleep every night. Also, do not work out when you are tired because your body won’t be able to handle it and you’re more likely to get injured.

8) Listen To Your Body

Building muscle mass is like building your own house- if one part gets screwed up, the entire house will be affected. Your body is like your house and what you put into it can affect the entire process of gaining muscle mass. Make sure that you listen to what your body is telling you; if you feel exhausted after a workout, don’t push yourself too hard because this might result in injuries or overtraining. 

You don’t have to be a professional athlete or bodybuilder to want more muscle mass. There are many entry-level ways that you can get started building your own muscles, from strength training at home to using resistance bands. However, it is also important to follow these eight steps because they will help you gain muscle mass more effectively and correctly.

Photo via Pixabay




I've been writing since 2008 about a wide range of topics. I also love making furniture in my spare time, and birdwatching with my wife near our home in southern England.

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