There are many ways you can help make the world a better place. You can implement these 7 steps to begin your journey into an eco-friendly lifestyle, and be on your way to making small changes that will collectively make a huge difference in how we all live together on this planet. Let’s see some of the things you can do to get started!

1. Cleaning Products

From washing your clothes to scouring pads, many toxic products can easily be replaced with more natural alternatives. Some obvious choices include vinegar, baking soda and lemons. Others include sustainable laundry detergent options and products that don’t have hazardous chemicals in them. Your cleaning products shouldn’t have ingredients such as ammonia, bleach and chlorine in them. These chemicals cause dyes to fade, are harmful to the environment and people, and often cause reactions on the skin. Try switching to some of these great cleaning solutions that are just as effective!

2. Grocery Shopping [In The Right Way]

Avoid the use of disposable products such as straws or forks by bringing your reusable items to work with you, and take a reusable bag/basket when you go grocery shopping. Not only will this cut down on plastic pollution, but it will also make a huge impact on the environment. If you go grocery shopping once a week and use one of these options for everything, your carbon footprint will be reduced by over 100 pounds of CO2 per year! So, why invest in reusable bags? Well, not only will they help the environment, but they’re also great for avoiding impulse purchases. If you go with only one or two bags to the supermarket, you’ll be forced to make the most out of what you’ve got. This way, you can avoid buying unnecessary items that might go to waste or be forgotten at home. This doesn’t mean everything is disposable so try using reusable straws, utensils, and cups instead of their disposable counterparts. 

3. A Sustainable Diet

Reducing or replacing red meat in your diet with alternatives such as beans is just one way that you can adjust your diet to make a difference. Reducing or eliminating meat from your diet can help reduce emissions that are linked with livestock, as well as reduce the risk of colon cancer. By making these types of dietary shifts you could be saving up to 1,100 gallons of water per day! Also, try to buy food that is grown locally since it doesn’t have to be shipped across the world. This equals fewer emissions produced by planes, trains, and automobiles! A sustainable diet can also include food you grow in your garden or terrace. You don’t have to produce tons of food, but just enough for you and your family so you can have clean and organic vegetable options that you don’t have to go to the market for. And the best part about this, you know exactly what you’re eating!

4. Recycling E-Waste

Electronic waste makes up 2% of America’s trash but it accounts for 70% of overall toxic waste in landfills because they contain hazardous chemicals such as lead and mercury, among others. If you have old cell phones, computers, or other electronics, try selling them online at sites like eBay or Craigslist before recycling them so you get some cash back! Just make sure to wipe off all data before you sell it or recycle it. The same goes for batteries as you need to make sure to properly dispose of them by bringing them to a recycling center or trash can specifically designated for that purpose, instead of throwing them in the garbage where they will sit indefinitely!

5. Reusable Packaging

While buying products with less packaging is important, there are other ways you can reduce your use of disposable containers too. Cloth bags are often used as an alternative to plastic shopping bags. They have evolved quite a bit over time and now come in many different styles, colours, and designs so you’ll be sure to find one that suits your tastes perfectly! There are also other items such as cups lids and straws which can be replaced with reusable versions without compromising on style. Once you’ve made the switch, try to replace disposable items one at a time so the habit sticks and let’s face it: you’ll feel better knowing that you’re helping out whether it be by reducing waste or saving money!

6. Reduce Paper Waste

It is said that Americans use an average of 417 pounds of paper per year which equates to 33 trees every single day! That’s why it’s important to reduce paper usage as much as possible. Try printing on both sides of a page whenever possible, recycling everything you can and only printing what is necessary for your daily tasks. Also, pass on those free newspapers in your mailbox each morning or opt for online subscriptions instead of receiving hard copies! You could also read the news on your phone or tablet since this way you won’t be using as much paper either! 

7. Inspire Others To Get Involved

Finally, why not take things a step further and become a role model for others? Show them everything you’ve learned through your lifestyle changes so they can feel inspired to do their part in protecting our planet too! The more people there are working together to help maintain a green environment, the better. This is how we can ensure that future generations have something left to enjoy, rather than suffering from irreversible damage that was done by previous generations. You can inspire others through social media or simply just inspire your family members any time you meet them. Any step that you take and consider a small step might just be a huge one for the environment.

If you’re curious about how your current impact compares to those who lead eco-friendly lifestyles, just look around you and see how people’s lifestyle choices affect the environment! This is just one way that you can see how you measure up to others, and maybe find even more ways to help us all breathe a little easier.




I've been writing since 2008 about a wide range of topics. I also love making furniture in my spare time, and birdwatching with my wife near our home in southern England.

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