Sleep is an essential part of life that most people, unfortunately, tend to neglect. Health practitioners advise people to have adequate hours of sleep every day. Healthy sleep patterns keep the body fit, improve concentration and productivity, control weight gain, lower the risk of heart disease, help with body repair, prevent depression, and improve the immune system. 

To get adequate rest and good night sleep, follow these tips: limit daytime naps, exercise, have a comfortable sleep-inducing environment, have a regular sleep schedule, pay attention to yourself, do not make your bedroom an office, take care of your mental health and consult a doctor if need be.

Take Care of Your Mental Health 

At times, one can observe all the sleeping strategies in the book and still fail to have a good night’s sleep. If your mind is not relaxed, you cannot sleep. Worry, stress, anxiety, overthinking, and depression can rob you of a good night’s rest. Find a method to solve the problems that keep you awake. Skills such as stress management can help in relieving anxiety and stress so have an organized lifestyle and seek help if need be, such as in cases of depression. 

Have a Sleep Inducing Environment

The environment you sleep in affects the quality of sleep that you’ll have. Shut down any screens like TV, computers, and phones. In the bedroom, maintain a quiet environment, use gentle lights, and block external lights by installing dark or heavy drapes that don’t allow the light to stream in.

Above all, have an inviting bed that is comfortable, relaxing, and sleep-inducing. The bedding conditions should be excellent and well-kept for the body to enjoy resting in them.  

Regular Exercise

Regular exercises promote better sleep since physical activities are tiring and at the same time relax the body. However, it is wise not to do vigorous and strenuous exercises late in the evening or near bedtime. 

Exercises are stimulating. Therefore, better done earlier in the day. If one has to exercise in the evening, then engage in physical activities that are relaxing instead of stimulating. Relaxing exercises such as yoga, meditation, simple stretches, and breathing techniques would be best before bedtime. 

Observe your Diet

Pay attention to what you take, especially in the evening, as this could affect the quality of your sleep. Stimulants such as coffee, nicotine, and alcohol affect the quality of sleep one has. Also, be careful to eat a few hours before bedtime. Avoid hearty and spicy meals before bedtime as they will make it difficult to sleep. On the other hand, you can have some food for better sleep like Chamomile tea, almonds, kiwi, and tart cherry juice are some excellent examples. 

Limit Day Time Naps

Day naps rob someone of a restful night’s sleep as they confuse the sleep-wake cycle the body has. Power naps are beneficial for brain functioning but should be kept to a minimum and last at most 30 minutes. If you have to take a nap, it should be taken earlier in the day to avoid interfering with the night’s sleep. However, it is healthy to have long daytime naps if you work during the night. Purpose of having adequate sleep during the day as you would at night. 

Have a Regular Sleep Schedule

Go to bed at the same time every day for the body to develop a regular sleep pattern. If there are any discrepancies, make them as minimal as possible. A consistent sleeping schedule helps the body to develop a sleep-wake cycle. Have a night ritual to follow through as you prepare to sleep. A regular body routine such as a warm shower before bedtime, reading, listening to relaxing music, a few bodies stretches, and meditation prepares the body to rest. 

Use Supplements if Need Be

If one cannot sleep, although they have tried all the tricks in the book to do so, then go for supplements. Magnesium and melatonin supplements are two examples of supplements that relax the brain and prepare the body to fall asleep.  

Do not take or combine different sleep-inducing supplements at the same time. Instead, take one supplement and combine it with other natural sleeping-friendly practices. 

Avoid liquids before bedtime

Taking lots of fluids before bedtime is not healthy as it will interfere with the body’s rest. You will need to use the bathroom regularly during the night. This will create an unhealthy sleep cycle. Every visit to the bathroom makes you awake and alert, and you once again have to try to fall asleep again. To avoid this, take drinks one or two hours before bedtime. Ensure you as well use the bathroom before going to bed. 

Do Not Make Your Bedroom an Office

To stimulate the mind for sleep when you go to the bedroom, keep it a resting and relaxing place. Taking calls and working from the bed will make it an extension of your work area. Avoid tasks that are involving and engage in relaxing activities such as reading and listening to soothing music. Make it a uniquely personal space where there is controlled disturbance from movements, interruptions, and heated discussions that will disrupt your calming environment. 

Consult a Doctor 

If you cannot get a good night’s sleep even after applying all the above strategies, consult a doctor. Some underlying medical conditions are known to cause insomnia. These are illnesses like heart disease, cancer, an overactive thyroid, asthma, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and diabetes. The health practitioner will help you to solve this challenge to have a regular night’s rest despite your condition. 

Lack of adequate sleep causes fatigue and difficulty in concentration. Poor sleep habits have been linked to many road accidents as a sleepy driver cannot be attentive on the road. Some studies reveal that a person who does not get at least seven to eight hours of sleep is at a high risk of heart disease. To avoid all these problems, apply the above sleeping strategies to have a good night’s rest. Make a good night’s sleep a necessity, and your body will thank you for it. 




I've been writing since 2008 about a wide range of topics. I also love making furniture in my spare time, and birdwatching with my wife near our home in southern England.

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