Superstar Oprah Winfrey recently took part in the CBS This Morning recurring segment, “Note to Self,” in which she read a letter to her younger self.  The billionaire media powerhouse opens her letter with the words, “Dear Beautiful Brown-Skinned Girl”, and begins with some words of wisdom to her 19-year-old self who had just kicked off a career in broadcast journalism at her local television station.  Focusing on those early years, Oprah recalls the fears and insecurities that were powering so many of her decisions in her life at that time, from her need to impress her boyfriend “Bubba”, to her lack of self esteem after years of abuse, to her indomitable drive and work ethic.  Above all, Oprah takes stock of the single greatest gift that guided her through such a turbulent life, as well as her one single greatest piece of advice to her 19-year-old self: relax.

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SEE ALSO: Oprah Talks To “CBS This Morning” About Her Intense 2-Hour Talk With David Letterman Last Night In Indiana

Source: CBS This Morning

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