Director Albert Moya paid a visit recently to Joan and Robert Wallick’s sprawling Wyoming estate. The couple purchased the gorgeous property in 1968, and ever since, Mrs. Wallick has spent her summers expanding and cultivating her 35 acres of bountiful flower gardens as Mr. Wallick keeps the grass of the enormous area prim and proper. In an interview with NOWNESS, the filmmaker explains why Mrs. Wallick captured his heart: “I was inspired by meeting the kind of dreamer who has, and still is, working on making her stories real.” You can watch the video profile above, and read more by visiting
NOWNESS Tours The Cultivated Oasis Of Ford Ranch Nestled In A Wyoming Mountain Canyon
Brent Lambert
Writer, editor, and founder of FEELguide. I have written over 5,000 articles covering many topics including: travel, design, movies, music, politics, psychology, neuroscience, business, religion and spirituality, philosophy, pop culture, the universe, and so much more. I also work as an illustrator and set designer in the movie industry, and you can see all of my drawings at